Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stupid Laptop

Well my laptop battery is pretty much dead. It works but it wont charge when hooked up to the charger, so it has 30% left and I'm not touching it.
Right now I'm on the home pc which is slow and annoying... :-<
Laptop batteries are apparently pretty expensive and until we are able to buy one I shall not be blogging much.....
So Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Okay, first of all, seltlist:
Break intro
gunshots by computer
convict colony
banged and blown through
No-one ever does
The Ritual
Sunday Bloody Sunday

Scared Money
List Of Demands

Grippo and Telegram were played early in the concert
and CX's things was during the encore

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So i just got back from the concert and it was amazing. so we got a parking spot by neumos around 8ish and decided to go to qfc for something to drink. We got a mountain dew and rootbeer to split among aaron, sam and i. aaron was wearing my painted leather jacket and the door man started talking to him about the addicts and how he was a big fan of theirs, aaron was slightly confused >.<
After we got, my dad gave me money for a tshirt which i bought. Its got the niggytardust logo off of the website, mines white and aarons is grey. we got there "early" so we were able to get spots standing about 5 feet from the stage.
Originally it was going to be saul williams with a band called "dragons of zenthar" or something as the opening band. a third act was added, he was a local hiphop artist by the name of gabriel something or other. he started pretty close to 9 and it was just him and his dj. he did have his cousin who was in the audience come up and do some spoken word which was neat.
the second act, dragons of ...., were okay. a couple of their songs i reaaaaally liked, they were more rock oriented with a bassist, guitarist, drummer and singer on a keyboard. the reason i didnt think they were that great, is that all though they had some good songs and what not, the guitar was really screechy and did not fit the rest of the music. you could say it got annoying
dragons were done at about 1030 and saul didnt come up til about 1115. i also didnt move from where i was standing because every time someone moved, they would immediately lose their spot. at around 1115 3 people came onstage, one got behind a dj set thing, another behind some synths and a laptop and the third picked up a guitar, saul wasnt there yet. they started one of the songs off of niggy tardust titled break and played it without saul, it sounded great. when saul came on stage they played a song titled "gunshots by computer". that made me happy because originally that was a NIN song called HYPERPOWER! and saul sung over it for a NIN remix album. i proceeded to write down the playlist on my phone as the show went on. he played almost every song from niggy tardust
i will post the setlist in the morning when my phone is done charging... >.<
at one point saul came into the audience while he was singing and i was about 2 feet from him which was very cool. at one point he also mentioned Obama's speach yesterday and everyone cheered. throughout the first half of saul playing some people kept shouting out "Poetry!" and it was getting obnoxious. he stopped the concert and called them on it eventually saying "this is the poetry of shut the $*&@ up" he did an encore of about 4 songs, one where he let CX Kidtronik (the dj-ish guy) do a song (he pulled a random mask over his head and everyone was confused...) they ended with a song called "list of demands" which pretty much everyone knew they would play.
i got some decent pics on my phone, but it doesnt like computers... i might find some pictures from other people that were at the show tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

NIN, Radiohead, and Saul Williams

so radiohead and nine inch nails have both been label-less and each released their new albums for free.
well last thursday nine inch nails announced that they would be holding a "film festival" for the new album. radiohead announced nearly the same thing a few days later.
nine inch nails new record "ghosts" has generic track names such as 10ghostsII or 8ghostsI or 33ghostsIV, it was revealed thursday that this was to not taint how fans interpreted the songs. on nine inch nails official account on youtube, there is a link to a group that was started. basically users are to submit a video for any song they like and ninoffical will pick their favorites and either stream them, or play a show with them as the background or do other things, they havent quite decided what yet.
radiohead is in partnership with cartoon network's adult swim with their contest. if you watch adult swim you can see advertisements instructing viewers to go to adult swims website for more info. adult swim also had commercials for radioheads newest cd, "in rainbows." radioheads contest is pretty similar, fans submit a video for a song of their choosing and other fans can vote on which they like the best and radiohead will decide which video wins. the winner gets money to produce/direct the video for radiohead.
So tomorrow is the day of the saul williams concert :D my fasha picked up the tickets yesterday after work from neumos. besides meh dad, i am going with two of my good friends Aaron and Sam. i got both of them into saul williams and we often share music that we find. the concert is a late one starting at 9:00 which means the opening band will probably start at 9:30 so im guessing it will be 2ish by the time i get home (then i have java final the next morning, yaaay :| ) I am hoping i get a tshirt because that would be very awsome >_<

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bugatti Veyron

Well i thought i would blog about a car this time. The bugatti veyron is an extremely fast, street legal car. basically if i had loads of money, i would buy this car. it was sold for around $1.2 million, and not many were produced.

the veyron has over 1000 hp and burns 4/3 gallon of gas per minute. its top speed is around 250 mph and it can go 0-180 in 14 seconds. its engine is a "w16" basically 2v8's put together. for being an extremely fast car, its handling is pretty good.
heres a video of the veyron racing a fighter jet, the jet is to fly up a mile and come back down, the veyron barely loses. there are other videos of them racing certain cars on youtube, they veyron beats them all.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hmm well where to start... this will probably be pretty unorganized again..... well almost a year ago nine inch nails released year zero with an Alternate reality game (ARG) to go along with it. nin had gone on tour in Australia, Asia, and Europe up to and after the release of the album. Trent Reznor, main person in nin, criticized the record industry for jacking up prices of the album because they claimed that nin fans would pay what ever price they put on the album. at many of the concerts, Trent told the fans to go ahead and steal his music. Trent had also leaked many songs ahead of time and even an unreleased dvd on sites like the pirate bay. around September of 2007, a remix album was announced for release in november as was a new saul williams album in the same month. saul had left his record label and collaborated with trent for the new record (heard about saul williams via trent reznor/nin.com/echoingthesound.org). the saul williams album was to be released on niggytardust.com for free at a lower bit rate or $5 for your choice of like 256, 320 or flac (free lossless audio codec) trent was also looking to leave interscope/nothing records for more artistic freedom, he was still obligated by his contract to release the remix album (titled y34rz3r0r3m1x3d haha) on interscope/nothing. when the album was released it was available in 3 formats, download from amazon or itunes, physical copy and i think another physical copy. anyways the multi tracks for each song were also released along with the album so that, using music mixing programs ( i use sony acid pro) you could remix any song off the album. trent also opened up remix.nin.com, a site where you could post your own remixes and listen and rate others. there was some more trouble with the record labels with this (what if people included a sample of a Madonna song in their song, OMG!) and so songs had to be reviewd before being submitted, no big deal. anyways after all of this happened trent reznor and some other people (atticus ross, adrian belew, allesandro cortini and maybe a few others) started working on a "secret project". the nin.com website was updated every couple days with some pictures, every now and then there was a new video on youtube.com/ninofficial . the pictures and videos showed the group working with laptops, synths, strange stringed instruments that i dont remember the names of, as well as other things. around january the photoblog stopped having as much activity. after a few weeks a few photos were released from hong kong with mysterious captions. people kept trying to make sense of them but were just going in circles.. in febuary nin.com was updated with something along the lines of "we've been working on a secret project and will start telling you things very soon" a couple days later on feb 15 it was updated with "2 weeks". well early yesterday morning the website was once again updated to say "soon". i started checking the website more often. well today when i had the chance to check the website it was very slow at loading. text was slow and the graphics took a while. it was updated with info saying "

02 March 2008: ghosts I - IV

The new Nine Inch Nails record is available RIGHT NOW.


posted by Trent Reznor at 5:47 PM pst, from hong kong.
i called up one of my friends and told him about it, he freaked also =D, his internet seemed to be going faster than mine so he clicked on the link for me, ghosts.nin.com, and read off what it had to say. basically Trent and co. had decided to just go record for 10 weeks without an agenda and see what came out of it. the result was ghosts I -IV, 36 instrumental tracks. ghosts I is available for free download, I-IV for download for $5, a physical copy + download for $10, and deluxe options for $75 and $300. because of all the traffic to the site, the store crashed, but should be back up soon. nin had also posted ghosts I on the pirate bay (http://thepiratebay.org/tor/4059158/Nine_Inch_Nails_-_Ghosts_I_(2008)) which i am currently downloading as i wait for the store to be back up. there is also a player that streams all of the songs in a random order off of nin.com which i am listening to right now... i think that is all >.<


stupid repeat post...

EDIT well i'll just use this to post press links...
LA Times
Riverfront Times
Undercover Music News (Aus)
CNET (Aus)
Paid Content
Shack news
Gaming Today

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

KMFDM and Ernest Jasmin

Well i thought i would put both of these in one post since theyre both about music.
Ernest Jasmin is a writer for the news tribune who writes about music and has been to and reviewed many of the same shows i have. His blog can be found here. He also wrote about Saul williams.... Anyways i was reading his review of when he saw Marlyn Manson recently because of how in the newspaper he spoke of a "near death experience" (a long knife attached to the mike... meh). Anyway so wat this is about is that i found a typo and it got on my nerves. Jasmin was speaking of how manson had warmed up backstage with a song by bauhaus which was called Bela Lugosi's dead but he spelled it Lugozi's... yea it majorly bugged me
The other thing i wanted to speak of is KMFDM. They are an industrial band formed in paris and now based in the US. Their latest album came out in november i believe, if not it was sometime last year. but the remix album for it came out yesterday. I enjoyed it as many band members and people from other good industrial bands had remixed almost every song from the previous album. I discovered KMFDM off of ETS and as i was lurking there last week they were talking about some of the songs. the album had apparently leaked on some small torrent sites but i was too lazy to find it and decided to just wait a little while. i checked the pirate bay friday night and there it was. it was nice to have it a couple days early ^_^

Yea i think thats all of my random music junk im gonna blog about for now =D

Online Purchases

Well Andrew Fry asked us today how much we would be willing to spend online. There were multiple things that it depended on for me. For one thing i would be willing to pay more if it was a website that had good customer service and that i had heard good things about or was popular. Websites like amazon.com or apple.com. I also have a feeling that if i get my identity stolen online that i would be more reluctant to buy things from the internet. also if i had a large amount of money i would be happy to spend more. right now though probably less than $100 unless i was getting an ipod or computer, both of which i already have.

Bill Kaufmann

Last Wednesday Bill Kaufmann from Corplogoware and the online good will store came in to talk to us about e-commerce. He passed around few interesting charts and booklets. One of the booklets had a list of somethings you might find in the online store and how they were sorted. it had criteria for almost everything you could think of. Flipping through the pages, one of the sections was on cameras and they had rules on how to sell old spy cameras, I thought that was pretty neat. One of the charts he passed around also detailed their profit for last month in comparison to other months and their budget. According to the chart they were at their best January. He also spoke of how some very valuable things are sometimes sold on the online good will store. The branch in Oregon sold a painting for many thousands of dollars.
All in all it was an interesting meeting, unfortunately he had to leave early, so we were unable to go have coffee.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Saul Williams update and Shoes ^_^

Well I have checked Neumos website since my last post about Saul Williams and his spot has been updated with information on the concert. First things first, it is an all ages show so I shall hopefully going just a soon as I can buy tickets. On the same page it has a link to tickets which are only $15 each so I don't to have to save tons of money between now and then. Doors open at 8 and concert starts at 9. So yay >_<

Also I ordered some new shoes Saturday off of zappos to replace my old pair of Dr. Martens because they had been my dads and were very worn down. I got another pair of Docs which it said would be at my house by today, but they actually got here yesterday.
Here is a pic of one.
These ones also have the bonus of being steeltoed and about 3 inches farther up on my leg. Unfortunately, because they are so new, the leather is very stiff and because of that I have gotten blisters and scrapes on my feet even after wearing thick socks. I walk enough though that they shall ease up on my feet soon.


Exit 133 & Derek Young

So yesterday during class, instead of doing what we normally do, we met with founder of Exit 133, Derek Young. We met with him in class and walked down to cutters point to have coffee. I had a watermelon italian soda........ Anyway, he just told us a bit about Exit 133 and then he was open for questions. Basically Exit 133 is a blog website dedicated to Tacoma. It has multiple sections including a forum and a and b sides. The forum is useful for readers to discuss topics without clogging up the comments section. The a side is what the page defaults to when the site is loaded, the b side is a collection of alternate posts with a different "feel" to them which many people don't always read. Derek also explained to us how Exit 133 came to be. He said he started it as a way to keep in touch with family and close friends when there was a health related issue. The blog made it much easier for him to stay in touch with people as people who live far away could easily access it. Andrew said that that is a common reason for people to start a blog.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saul Williams Tour

So I got an email a couple days ago from the saul williams website announcing tour dates. It said that he is coming to Seattle at Neumo's. Now I'm not sure if it will be an all ages show and until recently Neumos had not updated their website. Now when I click on Saul Williams all it says is more info. coming soon. Well if it is an all ages show I will definitely being going to it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

~About my blog~

Well my blog shall have a couple uses. One is for my living and working in the virtual world class & its assignments. I will also occasionally (when I'm not being lazy) post random things pertaining to what is going on with me or if I find any interesting articles, movies etc.

Also, portishead is coming out with their first album in over 10 years in April >_<

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Post: Epic 2015

Well this is my first post, I think I got everything to work out all right, someone already took cris.blogspot.com so I was kind of disappointed though. . . .
Well I found Epic 2015 interesting, I had not heard of it before, but it was neat to see how some of the predictions have already come true. The ipod built in with gps has, in a way, already started to happen, many new phones have gps capabilities. News has become much easier to get ahold of online, however, I don't think the news industry has gotten to the bleak point shown in Epic. The whole idea of googlezon was interesting also, but the name made me laugh. Some of the features of googlezon have already been implemented into various websites as well. It's also neat how Epic mentions friendster as being important when hardly anyone uses it anymore. People now use myspace or facebook etc.
Here is a link to Epic 2015: